
About Us

Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi is a private company engaged in Manufactur of Metal Stamping Parts, tools and Dies.Founded in 1998, PT. Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi has 2.691 m² land areas and was established in a strategic location in Karawang District.

was established in a strategic location in Karawang District. Its location which is adjacent to industrial areas enables us to evolve alongside with technology advances. Karawang Barat Highway which is near with the location also allows us to be readily accessible. We have various experiences in material processing field into semi-finished goods or finished goods.

Our company is supported by talented and motivated people. We welcome new challenges to become the best company that world ever know. High achievement is our standard, precision is our way of life and customer satisfaction in our happiness.

  • Tahun 1998 - Berdiri
    Berdirinya Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi dan belum memiliki badan usaha dan di resmikan oleh direktur H. Pangga Patoni.
  • Tahun 2000 - Produksi
    PT. Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi memulai produksi di atas lahan seluas 2000 m², dan sudah memiliki badan usaha.
  • Tahun 2016 - Sertifikat ISO
    PT. Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi mendapatkan dan berkomitmen menjalankan program baru ISO 9001 : 2008 dari TUV SUD Indonesia.
  • Tahun 2018 - Upgrade Sertifikat ISO
    Upgrade ISO 9001 : 2008 ke ISO 9001:2015 TUV SUD INDONESIA.

Company Overview

Company Name

PT. Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi

Business fields

Manufactur of Metal Stamping Parts, tools and Dies


H Pangga Patoni

Number of employees

48 Orang - Tahun 2018

Head Office

Jl. H Suwardi Desa Purwadana, Karawang, West Java - Indonesia

Telp / Fax

(0267) 600174 / (0267) 8604031


Ciptaunggul Karya Abadi

We are a manufacturing factory that moves in making Dies, Jigs, Press Parts, Tools, and other Machinery Industries. It is our pleasure to serve you with our qualified product. The similar following products can be providing when required.

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